About us

We introduce Bulgaria to the green map

When vision and experience come together

Greenpoint, established in 2007, is a zero-emission logistics company that implements its eco-friendly ideas in the logistics services providing the “green” businesses with sustainable solutions.

We have spent over a decade building the best logistics network and gathering an experienced team for our partners, who are looking for eco-friendly and resource-efficient services. We offer a cutting edge solution to help businesses improve their environmental impact and reduce their costs by providing a green fleet of all-electric commercial vehicles with zero emissions.

Having a reliable partner is treasure!
Lets get together and give a start of the transformation of our city! 
Join us

Цветанка Фратева Greenpoint Logistics

For a new beginning – clean and “green”

Tzvetanka Frateva

Chief Executive Officer

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Our greenpoints are with our partners

The largest German vehicle manufacturer - Volkswagen

VW logotype Greenpoint Logistics

Our partners from Volkswagen share our beliefs and business vision. That’s why they gave us the opportunity to present together the first Greenpoints – Crafter Kasten to the Bulgarian market!

Mw Logistica Greenpoint Logistics
Giving a helpful hand is in the roots of every friendship, and by using our green philosophy, we gained a valuable partner. We are happy we are sharing our experience and innovativeideas with MW Logistica.
We are proud to introduce our last generation Logistic Partner MW LOGISTICA part of the German Logistic concern Emons Spedition GmbH.
olga vasilevska copy Greenpoint Logistics
Reducing carbon emissions is a top priority for the new business generation.
We are proud to be part of the on ground realization of such a dream – reducing the environmental footprint of transport. 
We wish Greenpoint Logistics success and a fair wind and following seas.
You are ready for the future of transport colleagues!

Olga Vasilevska,


Green Logistics with DB Schienker Greenpoint Logistics

DB Schienker Greenpoint Logistics

DB Shenker’s electric trucks are all around the narrow streets of urban environments across Europe. For example, they are part of the distribution in Oslo, Copenhagen, Madrid, Salzburg, Vienna, Hamburg, Rome, and Milan.

The company’s solutions for eco-mobility are a key component of its strategy for sustainability.
In order to achieve its environmental and carbon footprint reduction goals in Bulgaria, DB Shenker chose GreenpointLogistics as its partner for green transport in urban environmen.

About DB Schenker

About DB Schenker ⁣⁣ Having around 76 000 employees with over 2100 locations around the world in more than 130 countries, DB Shenker is one of the leading logistic providers in the world.
The company has been operating in Bulgaria since 1993 and has a team of over 340 people in 7 offices across the country. lt has a warehouse capacity in excess of 35,000 sqm. The company offers ground, air and sea transportation services as well as complete logistics and supply chain management solutions.
DB Schenker
Вановете на greenpoing logistics

Екологичните карго-партньори

cargo partner logo2 Greenpoint Logistics

Cargo-partner follows a comprehensive corporate responsibility strategy with three main areas: environmental, economic, and social responsibility.

The main focus of the company’s activity is to create green technologies for future generations.
For Cargo Partner, social responsibility means creating sustainable improvements surpassing national and cultural boundaries.

The company’s projects prove their ideas and beliefs.

An illustrative example is the logistic center Fischamend with an area of 12,250 m2 built entirely of timber.
Thanks to this construction, more than 8,400 tons of harmful emissions were evaded.
The strict procedures regarding the quality of land transport ensure that Cargo Partner only works with carriers who meet the highest standards in terms of environmental compliance.
In 2008, the company founded the association “Ecological Cargo Partners” to support and accelerate the transition to environmentally friendly transport and logistic technologies.
In Bulgaria Cargo-partner chose Green Point for its deliveries within the city of Sofia.
Cargo-Partner is an international logistics provider offering a comprehensive portfolio of air, sea and land transport as well as warehousing solutions.
With nearly 40 years of experience in information technology and supply chain optimization, the company designs customized services for a wide range of industries. Through innovation it creates competitive advantages for its clients worldwide.
Founded in 1983, Cargo Partner generated a turnover of over one billion euros in 2020 and currently has 3,600 employees worldwide.

Нашият екип

greenpoint logistics екип
Екипът на Greenpoint logistics

Tzvetanka Frateva


With a degree in economics from UNWE and practical experience in logistic management and administration for more than 25 years.
The excellent background and understanding of customers’ needs were created through the work in the logistics and administrative processes in two German companies of international magnitude.
Изпълнителният Директор на Greenpoint logistics

Цветанка Фратева

Изпълнителен Директор

Изпълнителният Директор на Greenpoint logistics

С висше икономическо образование от УНСС и практически опит в управлението на логистика и администрация в продължение на повече от 25 години. 

С отлично познание и разбиране от какво се нуждае клиентът, придобити в търговската логистика и административните процеси на две немски фирми от международна величина в последните 18 г.


Veselin Todorov

Traffic manager

Graduated “Transport Technology and Management” at Todor Kableshkov University of Transport , with more than 15 years of experience in transport and logistics.
The acquired skills and accumulated experience help him perform his daily tasks professionally, as well as to cope with tense and stressful situations easily and effortlessly. Last but not least – he does everything with a smile.
Веселин Тодоров Greenpoint Logistics

Веселин Тодоров

Ръководител движение

Веселин Тодоров Greenpoint Logistics

Завършил „Технология и управление на транспорта” във ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков” и с повече от 15-годишен опит в транспорта и логистиката, както с леки, така и с товарни автомобили. 

Именно придобитите умения и натрупаният опит му помагат да изпълнява ежедневните си задачи професионално, както и да се справя в напрегнати и стресови ситуации лесно, бързо и не на последно място – с усмивка.

Stanislav Slavev


A graduate of Regional Business and Management at the University of National and World Economy, Stanislav already has over seven years of experience in the field of courier services.
His experience, combined with his desire for a “greener” world, makes him the perfect young specialist you can count on for all kinds of transport issues.

He is the person who will do the job responsibly, precisely and most of all – with a smile. 

Станислав Славев Greenpoint Logistics

Станислав Славев


Станислав Славев Greenpoint Logistics

Завършил “Регионален бизнес и мениджмънт” в УНСС, Станислав вече има над седем години опит в областта на куриерските услуги. Опитът му, съчетан заедно с желанието му за “по-зелен” свят, го прави перфектният млад специалист, на който може да разчитате по всякакви въпроси, свързани с транспорта. Той е човекът, който ще свърши работата отговорно, прецизно и най-вече с усмивка.